

Questions 1–10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Hinchingbrooke Country Park

The park

Area: 1…………………. hectares

Habitats: wetland, grassland and woodland

Wetland: lakes, ponds and a 2………………….

Wildlife includes birds, insects and animals

Subjects studied in educational visits include

Science: Children look at 3…………………. about plants, etc.

Geography: includes learning to use a 4…………………. and compass

History: changes in land use

Leisure and tourism: mostly concentrates on the park’s 5………………….

Music: Children make 6…………………. with natural materials, and experiment with rhythm and speed.

Benefits of outdoor educational visits

They give children a feeling of 7…………………. that they may not have elsewhere.

Children learn new 8…………………. and gain self-confidence.

Practical issues

Cost per child: 9 £………………….

Adults, such as 10…………………., free



Questions 11–15

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Stanthorpe Twinning Association

11   During the visit to Malatte, in France, members especially enjoyed

 going to a theme park.

 experiencing a river trip.

 visiting a cheese factory.

12   What will happen in Stanthorpe to mark the 25th anniversary of the Twinning Association?

 A tree will be planted.

 A garden seat will be bought.

 A footbridge will be built.

13   Which event raised most funds this year?

 the film show

 the pancake evening

 the cookery demonstration

14   For the first evening with the French visitors host families are advised to

 take them for a walk round the town.

 go to a local restaurant.

 have a meal at home.

15   On Saturday evening there will be the chance to

 listen to a concert.

 watch a match.

 take part in a competition.

Questions 16–20

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A–H, next to Questions 16–20.

16   Farm shop   ……………

17   Disabled entry   ……………

18   Adventure playground   ……………

19   Kitchen gardens   ……………

20   The Temple of the Four Winds   ……………



Questions 21 and 22

Choose TWO letters, A–E.

Which TWO things did Colin find most satisfying about his bread reuse project?

A   receiving support from local restaurants

B   finding a good way to prevent waste

C   overcoming problems in a basis process

D   experimenting with designs and colours

E   learning how to apply 3-D priting

Questions 23 and 24

Choose TWO letters, A–E.

Which TWO ways do the students agree that touch-sensitive sensors for food labels could be developed in future?

A   for use on medical products

B   to show that food is no longer fit to eat

C   for use with drinks as well as foods

D   to provide applications for blind people

E   to indicate the weight of certain foods

Questions 25–30

What is the students’ opinion about each of the following food trends?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct answer, A–H, next to Questions 25–30.


 This is only relevant to young people.

 This may have disappointing results.

 This already seems to be widespread.

 Retailers should do more to encourage this.

 More financial support is needed for this.

 Most people know little about this.

 There should be stricter regulations about this.

 This could be dangerous.

Food trends

25   Use of local products   ……………

26   Reduction in unnecessary packaging   ……………

27   Gluten-free and lactose-free food   ……………

28   Use of branded products related to celebrity chefs   ……………

29   Development of ‘ghost kitchens’ for takeaway food   ……………

30   Use of mushrooms for common health concerns   ……………



Questions 31–40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Céide Fields

●   an important Neolithic archaeological site in the northwest of Ireland


●   In the 1930s, a local teacher realised that stones beneath the bog surface were once 31…………………… .

●   His 32…………………… became an archaeologist and undertook an investigation of the site:

       –   a traditional method used by local people to dig for 33…………………… was used to identify where stones were located

       –   carbon dating later proved the site was Neolithic.

●   Items are well preserved in the bog because of a lack of 34…………………… .

Neolithic farmers

●   Houses were 35…………………… in shape and had a hole in the roof.

●   Neolithic innovations include:

       –   cooking indoors

       –   pots used for storage and to make 36…………………… .

●   Each field at Céide was large enough to support a big 37…………………… .

●   The fields were probably used to restrict the grazing of animals – no evidence of structurers to house them during 38…………………… .

Reasons for the decline in farming

●   a decline in 39…………………… quality

●   an increase in 40……………………

Part 1

1   69 / sixty-nine

2   stream

3   data

4   map

5   visitors

6   sounds

7   freedom

8   skills

9   4.95

10   leaders

Part 2

11   B

12   A

13   B

14   C

15   A

16   G

17   C

18   B

19   D

20   A

Part 3

21&22   B, D

23&24   A, E

25   D

26   G

27   C

28   B

29   F

30   H

Part 4

31   walls

32   son

33   fuel

34   oxygen

35   rectangular

36   lamps

37   family

38   winter

39   soil

40   rain

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