

Questions 1-10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Hotel Reservation


Location: north from the coast

Four-bed room available in 1……………

Room price:

in high season: € 2……………

cheaper if you booked 3…………… in advance

Meal included in price: 4……………

Must bring your own: 5……………

Hotel facilities:

a lounge with a variety of 6……………

• 7…………… room

• 8……………

Activities available:

• collect 9……………

• hire 10……………


Questions 11-16

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

11   What is the purpose of the talk?

A   to welcome its new members

B   to commemorate its 10th anniversary

C   to celebrate the award it received recently

12   What’s the audience of this speech?

A   journalists

B   local residents

C   school children

13   Why is the speaker most proud of the skating rink?

A   Because two world champions have been trained there.

B   Because people in this area are fitter than the rest of the country.

C   Because they have encouraged local school children to participate more in sports.

14   The complex has recently opened a new venue for

A   the unemployed.

B   mothers with babies.

C   pensioners

15   What does the complex plan to do next year?

A   extend opening hours

B   expand the space

C   sell fitness equipment

16   What does the complex encourage people to do?

A   become a coach

B   be on the committee

C   work as volunteers

Questions 17-20

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 17-20.

A   A one-on-one coach is bookable.

B   It is featured in a TV drama.

C   It is beneficial for young people.

D   It is only available for women sometimes.

 It is the largest in the country.

F   It can be booked for parties.

G   It is a place to hold courses for school children.

Sports facilities

17   Swimming pool

18   Climbing wall

19   Skating rink

20   Gym




Questions 21-23

Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Research about different energy-saving innovations

Kites in Germany

used in different 21…………… conditions to reduce the emission of toxic gas

Vehicles in America

powered by 22……………

Gas canister in South Africa

invented to reduce its chances to 23……………


Questions 24-25

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO types of interviewees do Greg and Syria choose to do the survey?

A   staff on campus

B   professors

C   local residents

D   companies

E   university students

Questions 26-30

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

26   What does Syria think about renewable energy?

A   Most people know very little about renewable energy.

B   The general public can distinguish different kinds of renewable energy.

C   The majority of people feel the need to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy.

27   What do the speakers say about modem windmills?

A   They can be used to pump water from wells.

B   The location to build them should be carefully chosen.

C   Farmers use them to grind grain.

28   What aspect of traditional fuels are they going to address?

A   how to avoid fossil fuels from being depleted

B   the possible future of traditional resources

C   how to prevent pollution of traditional resources

29   What does Greg say about nuclear plants?

A   They are cleaner and less expensive than fossil fuel.

B   It is the best way to fight climate change.

C   Few people think they are safe

30   What does Syria think of hydrogen fuel?

A   The price of it will drop eventually.

B   It entails environmental problems.

C   The benefits of it overweigh its high cost.


Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Fish Farming

Local fish farmers are afraid that genetically modified fish will 31…………… into the sea.

like to breed fish with special features, like 32……………

other solutions:

– to build some cages to prevent the fish from 33……………

– to use 34…………… nets to support the frames of the cages

Problems facing the local fishermen:

• lack of land on the 35……………

• lack of 36…………… fish

Initiatives taken by the government:

• encourages fish farmers to 37…………… local fish farming business

• helps fish farmers to sell seaweed and oyster:

– Seaweed can be used to make 38……………

– Oyster is a source of seafood which can supply local 39…………… industry.

• saves local fishing business by encouraging aquaculture, recreation and 40……………

Section 1

1 August

2 77.50/77.5

3 1 month

4 breakfast

5 towels

6 books

7 games

8 internet

9 shells

10 bicycles

Section 2

11 B

12 A

13 C

14 A

15 C

16 B

17 F

18 C

19 E

20 A

Section 3

21 weather

22 electricity

23 explode 2

24-25 C, E

26 A

27 B

28 B

29 C

30 A

Section 4

31 escape

32 tuna

33 storms

34 strong

35 coast

36 young

37 support

38 cosmetics

39 hospitality

40 shipping

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