The table below shows the number of cars made in Argentina, Australia and Thailand from 2003 to 2009.
Write at least 150 words.

The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in sea. What are the reasons and solutions?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
The table provides information about car production in three different countries over a period of 6 years, starting from 2003.
It is clear that Thailand produced the largest number of cars over the period shown. Also, while the number of cars manufactured in Thailand and Argentina increased, the opposite was true for Australia.
In 2003, 735,852 cars were produced in Thailand, significantly more than in the Australia, with just over 450,000 cars. The figure for Argentina, however, was only about a third of the figure for Thailand and half that of Australia, at 235,088.
Over the following six years, Thailand still remained first rank in car manufacturing among the three countries. Their car production soared to 1,162,356 cars in 2005 before dropping back down to approximately one million 2009. Likewise, the number of cars manufactured in Argentina increased throughout the period to 466,089 cars, which made them become the second biggest manufacturer of cars in the last year. The figure for Australia, however, experienced a downward trend over the period, decreasing to just under 250,000 cars by the end of the period.
(182 words)
Human society develops with a heavy cost on the animal world. A vast number of different species are being pushed to the verge of extinction. Rapid industrialization along with rampant illegal hunting are the driving forces behind such a tragedy; and ordinary people should join with governments in an effort to protect wild, endangered animals.
By releasing massive quantities of pollutants, many heavy industries such as steel and mining are inflicting tremendous damage on animals’ natural habitats. Forests which are home to wild animals are being cut down to make way for factories and fuel their operation. Furthermore, exploiting oil from oceans possibly leads to the unfortunate disappearance of many kinds of aquatic creatures. Many incidents where large schools of fish are killed have happened in consequence of being exposed to chemicals and chemical waste from oil and gas mining rigs located out at sea.
In addition, a lot of animals are being poached due to an increased demand for products made from their body parts. In the wild, rhinos are illegally slaughtered for their horns which are sold at high prices. Although laws and regulations are implemented in an attempt to protect particular endangered species, it does not seem to be effective enough.
There are, in fact, several ways to help protect wild animals. First of all, the expansion of heavy industries should be stopped by law to keep the natural environment for these animals untouched. Individuals should be well-informed that their unnecessary needs are a large cause of animal suffering, and hence, should refrain from using products made from animal skin or horn. Last but not least, poachers should be strictly punished and more conservation areas should be constructed in order to shelter endangered animals.
In conclusion, humans are threatening the survival of many animal species when they expand their factories and hunt out of greed. It is imperative to put appropriate protection measures, as I have discussed, into place.
(322 words)