
IELTS Speaking Part 2


Describe a time you needed to use imagination
You should say:

what the situation was   
why you needed to use imagination   
What the difficulties were   
And explain how you felt about it  


Today I’m going to tell you about a time when I had to make use of my imagination. When I was a sophomore in high school, one of my literature assignments was to recreate a short play that is based on a real book. The class was divided into small teams, each had to choose a book of different genres, ranging from comedy to romance to even horror. Since it was going to be assessed, everyone was required to take an active part in the project.

This task was particularly demanding in using imagination as we had to set up as lively a stage as possible to draw the attention of the audience. Enjoying a book can be easy but it’s tough to actually act out a written scene, even for professional actors. Therefore, as the stage director and one of cast members, I really needed to make the best of my creativity to produce a perfect play.

Besides having to be inventive, we were also working against the clock since only 2 weeks were given to prepare. It was tricky to come up with a complete plot and make time for group rehearsals in such a short period – not to mention having to find the appropriate costumes and stage props.

Despite the pressure I had to deal with, I felt a great sense of achievement because our play was well-received by the teacher and other classmates. I guess I can regard this as a challenge for not only my imagination but also for my team-working skills. In the future, I hope I will get the chance to be involved in other exciting projects like this one.


1. To make use of sth [expression]: to use something
Eg: The students should make use of the books they are given.

2. Sophomore [n]: a student in the second year of high school or college
Eg: She’s a sophomore in high school.

3. Assignment [n]: a specified task or amount of work given
Eg: The students were given a homework assignment.

4. Genre [n]: a particular type or category of literature or art
Eg: This book is a classic of the mystery genre.

5. To be assessed [expression]: to be judged, rated or scored
Eg: Students will be assessed based on their attendance and scores.

6. Demanding [adj]: requiring much time, attention, or effort
Eg: I have heard it is one of the most demanding courses at the university.

7. To draw attention [expression]: to make people notice
Eg: A good presenter must be able to draw listeners’ attention.

8. To act out sth [expression]: to present something in action
Eg: Children act out what they read, which makes the lesson more fun.

9. To make the best of sth [expression]: to try to think and act in a positive way when you have to accept a bad situation
Eg: The room they’ve given us is too small really, but we’ll just have to make the best of it.

10. Inventive [adj]: creative or imaginative
Eg: They have given their new company an inventive name, which customers are sure to remember.

11. To work against the clock [expression]: to work very fast because you know you only have a limited period of time to do something
Eg: Scientists were workingagainst the clock to collect specimens before the volcano erupted again.

12. To make time for sth [expression]: to allow time for something
Eg: I try to make time for my family at weekends.

13. Prop [n]: something used in creating or enhancing a desired effect, especially in the theatre or in films
Eg: There was a team responsible for building stage props to make the background more real.

14. A sense of achievement [expression]: a proud feeling of having done something difficult and worthwhile
Eg: He felt a sense of achievement having won the competition.

15. Well-received [adj]: getting a good reaction from people
Eg: ‘Gone with the Wind’ was one of the most well-received movies of all time.

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